Start the day the right way

Tired of the negative thoughts holding you back?

Wishing your inner voice was more supportive?

To heal from loss and build hope for the future

This is for you! A daily dose of happiness!

Wake up to a daily affirmation to guide you through life's challenges & triumphs

Whether you're trying to conceive, pregnant or a new mummy these daily golden nuggets will support you one your journey. You'll heal the hurt and keep the memories day by day

Feel more comfortable about yourself, regain trust in your body, gently live life on your terms again

What are affirmations and do they work?

Affirmations aren't just positive phrases; they have the power to rewire your mindset, boost self-esteem, and create a positive outlook. As you embrace these daily affirmations, you're not just reciting words—you're rewiring your brain for resilience and hope.

Along with the affirmations you'll receive a guide about how best to use them for the greatest effect.

These affirmations are perfect for you if you're trying to get pregnant, or pregnant after a difficult fertility journey or loss.

Each affirmation is a step towards reclaiming your power and embracing the incredible journey ahead.

"I find that I can acknowledge my triggers and deal with them in a stronger way using the tools that you taught me. The crushing, almost physical pain has been replaced by a smaller weight that I can carry with me"

"The techniques offered really work and have helped me to navigate my way through another IVF cycle with positivity and a calm mind."

Who am I?

I'm Karen, a dedicated fertility, pregnancy, and postnatal coach. With a passion for empowering women like you, I've carefully crafted these affirmations to resonate with your experiences. They are more than just words; they are a reflection of my expertise and understanding of your journey.

To be honest, when I came across affirmations I was sceptical. But since using them regularly I've noticed a big shift. It can be hard to find the right ones online, so that's why I've created this special pack for you. Each one is tailored to this unique time in your life

A daily dose of happiness to set you up for your day. What's not to love?!

Karen xx

It's your time

Are you ready to embrace a daily dose of positivity and take a step towards reclaiming control? Sign up now for your daily affirmations and let the transformation begin!

Reach out anytime:

Email :

Phone : 07803 623565